Friday, 15 May 2009

That there's some corner of Birmigham that is forever Limerick

Having been suffering from a general ennui of late I met a friend for Guinness and gossip in Digbeth last night. It's almost like going home for me. Whilst in the smoking section of the pub, which flouts all smoking ban rules from what I see, I got to chatting to an Irish granddad about his grand-daughter's impending "First Holy Communion". Later during the horse racing results, a fight broke out. However, I did get to spot more gaps in a market. Never being one for sentimentality or anything touristy, my mate complained on my behalf about the unnecessary shamrock on the head of pint. She came back with one with a swastika on it. Thing of all that advertising space going to waste.

1 comment:

  1. Now that's a quality night out! Wonder how much practice they had to do to get a swastika right.
